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Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Newspaper: We Were Wrong to Endorse Obama

The Billings (Mont.) Gazette endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008, but now that he's been in office 5½ years, the bloom is off the rose.

The Gazette on Friday published an editorial admitting its mistake in backing Obama and detailing the reasons it came to that conclusion.

"Sometimes, you have to admit you're wrong," the editorial began. "And, we were wrong."



  1. That's great, however, the damage is done.

  2. He never fooled me. I know lying ghetto scum as soon as I see it.

  3. And it took you 5 1/2 years to own up to your mistake. It's to late, but the damage is already done.

  4. The media admitting to a mistake in backing a Democrat...!?

    When does that asteroid hit the earth?

  5. To bad the MSN doesn't have the ba$$$ to admit it. ABC, NBC, CBS, etc.

  6. Give them credit most would never say they were wrong.

  7. OK you're back in the fold. But don't ever do it again.

  8. How come it took 6 YEARS! How about if someone was kicking you in the azz, no make that groin, for 6 YEARS? Would you wait that long to say STOP IT!

  9. No kidding.
    A guy who spent his 18 months as a Senator, collecting his paycheck for that job, but spending most of his time looking for another one. A man who had NEVER run a business, not even a Kool-Aid stand, who refused to produce a birth certificate, never served in the military, and who was making promises that anyone with a brain could know were impossible to keep, should be even CONSIDERED as candidate for managing the greatest economic and military force the world has ever seen?
    And look at the state of our nation now. Other world powers openly laugh at us. Or treat us with disrespect and disdain. Now, even his supporters are going "WTF??!" He's printing money at the rate of $80 BILLION A MONTH --- which will lead to hyperinflation (try buying milk at $15 a gallon -- you'll get your chance soon). Unemployment at 8-15%. Gas prices tripling, along with energy and food. Stagnant wages. Welfare dependency skyrocketing. Openly flaunting the rule of law BRAGGING about it.
    Foreigners are perfectly correct when they call Americans fat, lazy, and stupid.
    They just don't know the full extent of it.


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