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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

MSP Press Release 7-22-14

9758 Ocean Gateway Berlin, Maryland 21811
(410) 641-3101 Fax (410) 641-3259

Time: July21, 2014 @ 1821 hours

Case #: 14-MSP-022829

Location: W/BMD Route 90 W/O US Route 113, Berlin, Worcester County

Vehicle: 2005Hyundai Elantra, NY Registration GPA3761

Suspect #1: Rachael Larane Wilson, 29 YOA, Laurel, MD (Driver)

Suspect #2: Steven Jesse Erby, 43 YOA, Seat Pleasant, MD (Passenger)

On July 21, 2014, at approximately 1821 hrs, troopers stopped a 2005 Hyundai Elantra after it was determined the vehicle was stolen. The vehicle passed through a mobile automated license plate reader system prompting the warning the vehicle was stolen. Shortly thereafter, it was confirmed the vehicle was stolen from Plattsburgh, New York, on July 17, 2014. Troopers located and stopped the vehicle in the area of W/B MD Route 90 west of US Route 113 in Worcester County.

Through the investigation it was determined the suspects were also wanted on several outstanding warrants. Wilson was wanted in Howard County for failing to appear in court regarding unauthorized removal of property. Erby was wanted in Howard County and Charles County; the charges in Howard County related to failing to appear in court for theft and giving a false statement to a police officer, and the charges in Charles County related to failing to appear in court for theft charges. In addition, Erby was charged with various counts of identity theft stemming from the investigation surrounding the traffic stop and investigation into the stolen vehicle.

Both suspects were charged and taken before a District Court Commissioner. They were both ordered to be held on $3,000 at the Worcester County Detention Center.


  1. Nice work! Proud to see Troopers are getting the crooks off the street.

  2. "automated license plate reader system" when did they start using those?

  3. WHERE are those????

  4. Those boxes are the two black boxes aimed at a 22 degree angle on the back of state police cars. Not every car has them yet. They're yet another intrusion of our rights. They now run our info as they just ride. Your info shouldn't be ran for no reason folks. They need probable cause to run your info. Just as DUI check points are illegal. There is no probable cause to stop you.

  5. Every laser gun they have reads tags as they scan you. Welcome to technology.

  6. Really - all that bad stuff and low bail. Our courts need to support the Troopers and other LEOs...SMH

  7. Yeah its pretty clear these guys will not show up for court so why the low bail ?

    In my opinion any failure to appear should mean no bail or at least a drastically high bail.

    $3000 for all those crimes ? This is insane.

  8. I'm with 3:58. Were they just doing this to make a cool police report to show they have cool tech that can catch criminals?

    But when they are all FTA criminals, they let them go for $300 down payment?n

    Oh, they'll show up next time (snort) eh, Barn?

  9. 1:08, youre wrong. the police can run your tag for little or no reason at all if the car is being driven. a license and registration plates are a privilege, not a right. its state information and the roads belong to the government. no probable cause is needed to simply check the tag. the check is unintrusive, and if your vehicle is on the up and up, you dont have anything to worry about.


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