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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Mom of three stirs controversy after posing with her gun and bible

A conservative Christian and mother of three from West Virginia has provoked vitriol from the left and support from the right after sharing her extreme beliefs about guns, abortion, health care and other political hot issues.

Holly Fisher, who Tweets using the provocative handle Holly Hobby Lobby, has created uproar online in the wake of last week’s controversial birth control decision by the Supreme Court.

To celebrate the court’s decision, Fisher posted a provocative photo online of her wearing a pro-life T-shirt, while posing in front of a Hobby Lobby store and holding a Chick-fil-A drinking cup.



  1. The difference is, photo of Holly = Defense, and Photo #2 = Offense.

    It's pretty simple, folks.

  2. Excellent - I think I'll have a Chick-Fil-A sammich for lunch!

  3. I don't see anything extreme or provocative about this photo. Just a woman who stands behind what she believes in.

  4. If that bothers the Left then that is proof positive they are nothing but traitors to America.

  5. I support Holly and any other American trying to support some core values. F- the left.

  6. All conservative opinions and ideas are extreme to the left. Their opinions are the only ones that matter.

  7. She is a Hotty. Those lefty's are uglier than mutts.

  8. As a democrat who has conservative views on many things I cant see any thing constructive in bashing......it doesnt fix anything. Both political parties are in shambles making a mess of this country. Its time for a fresh look.....this country was founded on principals long ago before the progress we have today so change has to happen and will happen even if we don't agree with it. Just a side note to all you bible thumpers out there remember we are taught not to judge......think about that for a min.......

  9. There is nothing provocative about this photo. Someone call holly and get her to buy a pro life bikini, then we can talk.

  10. 12:36
    So bashing doesn't fix anything unless you are the one doing it right? Pot meet kettle. How can you say that in once sentence, than use the term bible thumper at the the end of your statement. Typical democrat you say what you think people want to hear and then do the exact opposite.

  11. . Just a side note to all you bible thumpers out there remember we are taught not to judge......think about that for a min.......

    July 9, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    What the bible says if you judge the same way you judge someone will be used to judge you. In fact, the bible does say to judge, in the church. To correct fellow christians.

    People like to misuse that instruction to escape condemnation for their sins. It is widely believed that no one can judge except God Himself, which is just not true.

    But don't take my word for it, search the bible and you will find it.

  12. Anonymous said...
    As a democrat who has conservative views on many things I cant see any thing constructive in bashing......it doesnt fix anything. Both political parties are in shambles making a mess of this country. Its time for a fresh look.....this country was founded on principals long ago before the progress we have today so change has to happen and will happen even if we don't agree with it. Just a side note to all you bible thumpers out there remember we are taught not to judge......think about that for a min.......

    July 9, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    If you were smart you would change party's before it is to late.


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