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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Minimum Wage Workers Find Budget Tight For Families

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Tomorrow marks the 5th anniversary since the federal minimum wage was raised to $7.25 and many workers say their families are barely making it.

"It's very tough, very, very tough," said Verna Matheny. "You can't do anything. You don't have enough money to do anything by the time you get your paycheck it's gone."

Matheny makes $7.95 an hour which supports her - and her 9 year old son Kenneth.

"I might want a new pair of shoes but if he needs a uniform then that money has to go to him," said Matheny. "Then you have gas and electric."

Matheny and her son were waiting in line to receive free fruit and vegetables from a local food pantry. She says to help suppliment her budget she's also working side jobs like babysitting and hair cutting .

"You don't know whether to buy groceries or pay rent," said Matheny. "It's one or the other and you have to have a roof over your head."



  1. Learn a skill, and don't be lazy. Oh wait, it's all the business owners fault... those greedy bastards.

  2. I am a single parent of a 10 yr old boy. The government only helps selected individuals. Therefore I work THREE jobs so I don't have to worry about which bill to pay... I don't have to worry about food on the table. Im not saying that's its easy, but I am saying if you work hard you will be able to maintain!

  3. "The government only helps selected individuals." You got that right, 2:06. Most of these govt giveaways are scams - they are not geared towards helping those who are truly in need.


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