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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Military Fiancee Says She Found Vile Letter on Car Windshield Over Her ‘I Love My Soldier’ Bumper Sticker

A Georgia woman says she returned to her car earlier this month to find a vile letter on her windshield, targeting her over an “I love my soldier” bumper sticker that she had placed on her car to support her fiancé.

“I got in my car and noticed the paper on the windshield,” Ellen Wilson told WTVM-TV. “I drove off in case someone was watching, and then I grabbed it and read it and saw this lovely letter from this person.”

The unsigned letter criticized Wilson’s portrayal of her soon-to-be husband as a hero.



  1. Probably another hoax.

  2. Whoever wrote the letter isn't wrong.

  3. The person who wrote the note is not wrong they are simply an a$$hole that does not have the courage to say that to someones face. Which is another problem this country has lack of courage/character or whatever you want to call it.

  4. The author of this letter in one of millions of minions who vote democrat and will eventually collapse this country.

  5. Don't hate the soldier, or their family. Hate the politicians who are using them as pawns.

  6. Finger print the letter, and serve justice. No police, no judge.

  7. The person who put this on your car should not have the right to even be in this country for whatever reason. We all notice no balls to leave name etc, just a big mouth, and an opinion not asked for.

  8. WOW that note writer is sick.

  9. Wow letter was very truthfull, but then they became an ass at the end

  10. 11:54-That would be Ellen Wilson herself.


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