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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Mexicans storm U.S. border – and document it [VIDEO]

Fellow Liberty Alliance member Kevin Jackson of The Black Sphere tipped us off to this perplexing organized assault on the southern border near San Diego by hundreds of Mexicans.

Border officials say it was the first organized assault in this area. Participants grew combative, throwing rocks and bottles, and flashing gang signs. And oddly, documented all of it themselves on video for a blog site.



  1. we need to do to illegals what mexico does. Shoot then ask questions later.

  2. 2:14 PM you are obviously frustrated with the situation just like the rest of us. Shooting them is an option but it is not the morally correct one nor does it fall in line with our own constitution. So I don't support it. What do I support? I am not sure but I don't support open borders.

  3. Where are all those bullets the gov't has been stockpiling?

  4. It does not have to be a country to consider it an invasion! Any grouped armed with whatever makes an attempt to force their way across the border should be considered an invasion and repelled in the manner according to any invasion. What do you think Mexico would do if a group of Americans did them same thing and tried to overrun their border? We would have a bunch of dead Americans with Mexico saying 'what do you expect , you invade, we shoot in order to protect our border'.

  5. I know what we should do we should make a better border security system so they can't enter like electrify the fence, have sniper towers and two or three walls or a huge wall so they can't easily enter.


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