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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Md. Schools Get $10.7M Grant To Study STDs

BALTIMORE (AP) -- The University of Maryland Schools of Dentistry and Medicine have received a $10.7 million grant over five years to study the causes, prevention and treatment of sexually-transmitted diseases.

The schools announced the grant on Tuesday from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health.

The long-term goal of the research is to develop strategies to reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infections and diseases worldwide, particularly chlamydia and gonorrhea.



  1. What a waste of money. Simple have protected sex and don't be promiscuous.

  2. Don't they have enough money invested in this? WTF? This is why our state budget is 40% higher than it needs to be!

  3. Democrats are the result of a sexually transmitted disease.

  4. STD....Stupid Tranical Democrat ...and the solution to STD massive forced emigration to north korea iran russia cuba china somewhere more aligned with the STDs POLITICS..all STDs must register for your free ride home...


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