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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

McAuliffe in 2007: ‘We Have Got To Shut These Borders Down’

(CNSNews.com) -- Despite repeated requests for comment, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, has so far remained silent on the federal government’s quiet transfer of an unknown number of illegal immigrant children from the Texas border to Prince William County in Virginia last week, a move that was highly criticized by local government officials and Virginia residents, CNSNews.com reported.

But McAuliffe has not always been quiet on the issues of illegal immigration and border security. In a 2007 radio interview, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee demanded the federal government “shut the borders down.”

“I don’t care if you’re a Democrat or a Republican, we all agree you’ve got to shut the borders down,” McAuliffe said during the California public radio interview, reported Politico.

“People who are coming into this nation, taking our jobs,” he added.


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