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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Maryland VA Looks To Private Docs To Speed Up Care

The medical system charged with caring for Maryland's veterans is seeking help from private physicians in the Baltimore region to address a primary-care backlog that has become one of the worst in the nation, federal officials said Monday.

With Central Maryland's veterans waiting months to schedule an initial visit with a primary-care doctor, the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System is hoping to tap into whatever reserve capacity is available in the area's extensive network of private clinics, according to a formal solicitation.

While the agency's move is unusual, it comes as lawmakers in Congress unveiled a bipartisan agreement Monday to spend $10 billion to expand access to medical care outside the traditional VA system for veterans who live more than 40 miles from a medical center or face long wait times.



  1. I will be interested in where the veterans of the Eastern Shore fall into this plan. There is no mention of any consideration to anyone on this side of the bay. So typical.

  2. Anyone on the Eastern shore who has to drive more than 40 miles get to a VA will be able to get care from local docs.
    Sounds like a lot of the shore will qualify for this.

  3. 8:51 read the whole article. The help centers are all on the western shore and the local area VA center in cambridge will not even be on the radar from the sounds of things. I thought the same thing until I read the whole article .


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