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Monday, July 28, 2014

Maryland Homeless Man Murdered by Six MS13 Illegal Aliens

So glad that Obama has sanctioned so many illegals to cross the border. Especially people like these ‘children’ who murdered an American citizen. Seems like a great tradeoff, right? #WTF.

Check out the video clip here where it is admitted they are Illegal HERE.



  1. Unfortunately more to come. They will be in our schools this fall. Thanks Obama and all of those that voted for him.

  2. If you aren't paying close attention, you won't even hear that they are all "undocumented" immigrants. Law breakers from the start.

  3. And O'Malley is bringing hundreds more into Maryland. How people can vote for any Democrat is beyond me!

  4. no thank the illegals and voter fraud for allowing obama bin laden to win not once but twice...

    NOW since the illegals are all here, get read for the house and senate to be controlled by Dems and get ready for all the bills which couldn't be passed due to the repub held house, start to show up and in your face...

    NOT IF BUT ONCE the DEMS WIN THE HOUSE and control it, watch what spending bills come and gun control laws come and the rest... ONCE THIS HAPPENS it is all over folks... PERIOD!!! if the dems control both the senate and house there will be nothing to stop them... except a filibuster which can easily be removed via a bill voted by both the house and senate once controlled by dems...

    You people have not seen shit yet... Wait until then, you will see, and YES of course I WILL be right here saying I told you so as usual!!! because you never learn anything... must be that common core mindset huh? Whats 2 + 2? der what is that cross thingy in the equation? IDK I had common core, I have to draw circles and dots to figure it out...

  5. Obama and his Democrat supporters need the same thing to happen to them.

  6. exactly what amenities come with being a US citizen-homelessness?

  7. You should see what it's like in downtown Salisbury by the court house it looks like Baltimore with all the bums and criminals.


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