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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Maryland Health Care Policy Change Covers Transgender Surgical Procedures

Maryland will now cover procedures and other transition-related health care of its transgender state employees under a new policy the Free State Legal Project announced on Tuesday.

Jer Welter, Managing Attorney for FreeState Legal, joins News Now to explain the change.

Welter says transgender state employees now have equal health care coverage. The policy change came about through the settlement of a case involving Governor O'Malley's executive order in 2007 which prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender identity.



  1. So now the taxpayers are going to pay for these freaks to get changed!

  2. 4:54 Yep!
    Keep voting dumbocrat and this is what you get.

  3. Democrats are going after ever segment of the population for votes, gay, transgender, immigrants etc.

  4. Gross what have we come to.

  5. So glad I moved out of stupidland, I mean Maryland.

  6. You axked for it, you got it. TOYOTA!

  7. For fewer than 1% of all homosexuals, we need to change everything? FBS!

  8. I'm not sure how giving them more services makes them equal? This must be animal farm! "All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others."


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