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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Local Haitians report mistreatment

The Haitian Association of Indiana hosted a town hall meeting for local Haitians Sunday, officially meeting the largest Haitian population outside of Indianapolis.

Around 50 Haitian residents, along with 30 other local residents, listened to state and federal agencies summarize their services to local Haitians.

More than 400 Haitians currently live in Washington, brought in mainly for work at the Perdue processing plant. About 190 work at the plant, according to the turkey processing plant. The Haitian workers started coming to Washington last year and have expanded rapidly. So much, some have said there is not enough local housing for them.

Jean Gerve, president of the Haitian Association of Indiana, said there has been reports of mistreatment to local Haitians.

"They have no voice, and that is the reason we are here," Gerve said.

Joane Theodule, a third-year law student helping the association, went on further to say what those issues were.

"There were some issues of people perhaps working and not getting paid on time. Individuals living in maybe three-bedroom houses that had 10 to 12 people living in them," Theodule said. "These are red flags and I learned about even more issues."



  1. Then go back to your half of the island, and enjoy what your land gives you.

  2. Does anyone else notice around town lately that there are a lot more people who do not speak english. If your up north shopping just seems like way more than I use to remember. Im sick of it. We are in America, speak English!!!

  3. 9:32

    What language did your ancestors speak when they immigrated to this country? I bet it wasn't Navajo!

  4. 10:09 its your cavalier attitude that is the problem. Get off the couch and get a job, loser.

  5. 10:36

    I'm at work goofball. I've been at work since 7am!

  6. Very simple, GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM, and take the worthless Obama with you!

  7. "What language did your ancestors speak when they immigrated to this country? I bet it wasn't Navajo!"

    I can tell that you think you're being clever or pithy, but how is that even relevant?


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