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Sunday, July 06, 2014

"KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!! If you know them!"


  1. kind of blows away sheriff lewis' statements and video doesn't it?

  2. WoW, I wish I was the responding officer.

    No…you are not free to go, No…you cannot have your gun back, and Yes….I do suspect you committed a crime. This is a lawful detention of a suspicious person with a firearm (investigative detention) based on reasonable suspicion. Any action you take to hinder my investigative detention will be seen as uncooperative and result in me suspecting you were involved in criminal activity. By your nervous demeanor, refusal to answer my questions, and interrupting me with every chance you get with obscure case law I believe as a police officer based on my training, knowledge, and experience that I now have Probable Cause that you are involved in criminal activity or have a mental disorder and need to be taken in to custody.

    Now…….turn around and place your hands behind your back (please resist……please, please)

  3. Must be one of those cop hating kind of days. I see a theme developing among your posts.

  4. 1:17
    What do you cops always tell us? If you don't speed.......if you are not doing anything wrong....... Well maybe the police should follow their own advice. If they did there would be nothing to post.

  5. 12:44 PM

    and you are just another idiot.

    1:17 PM

    IF you idiots did NOT do hateful things, maybe, just maybe you would not be hated.

    But I wouldn't hold my breath. You have IQ's lower than the average human being, so you will always do stupid crap to make others hate you.

    And until the so-called 'good cops' take out the many bad cops, I will not believe there are any 'good cops'.

    You want to change our opinions of you? Do something worthy of changing them, on a continual basis.

  6. 12:44...You dumb ass. It is LEGAL for him to open carry. You say yes, you DO suspect him of committing a crime. Do you just get to make stuff up as you go in order to continue to harass and bully citizens? What crime do you suspect him of doing?
    Do you often use made up bullsh*t to INSTIGATE "investigative detention?
    Notice the supervisor knew the law the bad ass cop DIDN'T know (like you, too) and let the INNOCENT citizen go on his way.
    You're one of those short little macho cops who lift weights and think THAT will save your ass in a one-on-one fight, but always wait for 2-3 (or more) cops to show up BEFORE you start that macho crap.
    I'll bet you're one of those cops that turns every small matter possible into a "WE ARE THE POLICE!!" gang beating and arrest.
    You forget your place. "Please resist", huh? So you can do what?
    A citizen who knows the applicable law is now grounds for being a suspect in a crime? Just by challenging the cops own inadequate knowledge of the law is, in your opinion, grounds to make someone "turn around and put your hands behind your back"?? You definitely have forgotten your place.
    I hope YOUR supervisor is close enough to make sure YOU don't get to pull that short guy macho crap on people. You are a SERVANT. Not a master.
    Learn the laws that apply in your area and stop making up your own rules. I wish our leaders would pass laws to make cops personally liable for their actions. If not, maybe scientists could come up with a formula to let you grow another 8 inches so you would have more self-esteem and not have to get it by hiding behind a badge and 4 other cops....

  7. 1:17 PM I think the pattern you see is Joe trying to keep everyone informed of what is about to happen this weekend. And that is more pigs on the street demanding compliance. He is informing people of their rights so we know what to do when dealing with morons like 12:44 PM.

    Happy Non-Independance Day!

  8. Exactly, Cops are POS's... They use the guise of "I protect and serve"... Exactly you protect the rich or your upper bosses and you server which ever has the highest bidder, I.E. POLITICIANS...

    The funny thing is while they are treating us like crap, soon when the shit hits the fan they to will be in eh same shoes as us once the govt is done using them of course, and that's how stupid cops are... They are clueless...

    If you want respect you have to earn it...

    With all of your swat raids where your investigations were 5 years long and you show up to the wrong house on the wrong street in the wrong neighborhood and shoot old people in their own home at night shows how stupid you are...

    They don't know the laws they are tasked to enforce and they "only do what they are told"... being complicit makes you the same POS as the people who break the law because you either help or turn a blind eye when it happens which is the same as doing the crime yourself...

    These cops have to have SID or CID or whatever it is called, you know the middleman between NSA stealing your data and the local police where as they use the illegal stolen data to conduct a bogus traffic stop in hopes you have drugs on you... They are trained to show the investigation came from the traffic stop instead of the SID or CID agency... So really they don't even do their own work either...

    If you want more proof of how stupid cops are and how bad it is as a police state look at the dorner stuff... They ran around like pussies scared crying all the way home from one of their own... They ran around with their heads cut off and shot anyone and everyone they wanted, you know lie the two newspaper delivery women who were women and of a different skin color than dorner hell they were in a different name and color truck than dorner but as usual the stupid cops shot them anyway because they were like tackleberry on those movies where he had to get gun play...

    If we want to fix this, we need to start videoing cops everywhere all the time, they do it to us...

    We need to stand up as a whole because we the people OUT NUMBER ANY amount of govot people and cops and they can't shoot all of us and they can't lock all of us up at once...

    We need to get hackers to get the info of the corrupt cops who commit these haine crimes and post them everywhere... We need to if all else fails, give cops and eye for an eye...

    We citizens need to look after ourselves and each other and forget these POS who only have a gun to protect themselves not you... They are not required by any law to help or protect you in any way...

    Look at Connecticut, they were +200k people who stood against the state police and politicians when it came to the gun registration bills... They did not comply and still refuse to comply, and guess what? the state police realized these laws were bogus and were going to get the state police shot when they went door to door in raids to confiscate and realized that was a bad idea and that they would be in harms way for a politician who won't be... NOW the state police are with the +200k populous saying they won't enforce it PERIOD!!! When cops lives are at stake and we stand up, this is how you win a victory of those POS cops and politicians...

    You see the politicians need cops to enforce their crappy laws without them they have nothing... SO if cops choose to enforce unconstitutional laws and immoral laws let them, but I have no remorse for the things that come their way...

    You want respect, you earn it...

    Whenever the rest of america decides they want there liberties, then maybe they will stand up but don't count on it and you can take this to the bank, that cops will keep on, doing what they do while you sit there and take it like a pussie you are too... no different than the cops at that point because you are helping them do this by not helping us stop it...

  9. There exists, in all government institutions, on all levels, a double standard. The state grants themselves the ability to break laws that non-government people would go to jail for.

    Exemptions are granted for them and their friends while the constituency keeps eating cow dung and grinning.

    Today’s government is getting so corrupt and careless that they do not even try to keep their ‘above the law’ mentality a secret anymore. Police, while definitely at the bottom of the state totem pole, are becoming notorious for their frequent abuses of power.

    Unarmed fathers are shot in the back, children with toy guns are killed in cold blood, and people are sodomized for rolling through a stop sign.

    After seeing these atrocities on a daily basis, finding out that cops routinely speed in non emergency situations to spend their taxpayer funded salaries on donuts, should come as no surprise.

  10. Know your rights in Maryland or Delaware. There is no right to open carry. So since most of the viewers of this blog are on Delmarva, I would not suggest you do what this gentleman did. In his state carrying openly is legal.

    1. Ignorant cuss. Open carry is legal In Maryland with a long gun.

  11. 5:28 PM

    God and the U.S. Constitution says I can. Screw state law. Unfortunately you are correct. So I would have to be prepared to go to jail or shoot a cop. One of which would be pleasurable.

  12. It is legal to open carry a long gun.

  13. no cops are not stupid right? no cops are not money makers working for the govt for the purpose of making money right?


    WEARE, NH — A “poorly planned” sting operation left an unarmed New Hampshire man dead; shot behind the wheel in the bloody and unnecessary War on Drugs. Despite evidence that contradicted officers’ claims about having their lives endangered, the shooters were not fired and faced no legal consequences.

    Oh and they for some reason need anti missile and anti gun and anti mine trucks...

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    WoW, I wish I was the responding officer.

    No…you are not free to go, No…you cannot have your gun back, and Yes….I do suspect you committed a crime. This is a lawful detention of a suspicious person with a firearm (investigative detention) based on reasonable suspicion. Any action you take to hinder my investigative detention will be seen as uncooperative and result in me suspecting you were involved in criminal activity. By your nervous demeanor, refusal to answer my questions, and interrupting me with every chance you get with obscure case law I believe as a police officer based on my training, knowledge, and experience that I now have Probable Cause that you are involved in criminal activity or have a mental disorder and need to be taken in to custody.

    Now…….turn around and place your hands behind your back (please resist……please, please)

    July 2, 2014 at 12:44 PM

    You must be a punk that looks for trouble. Mommy I want to be a cop when I grow up. I don't like when Johnny beats me up. I'm gonna arrest Johnny when I grow up.

  15. That driver is a complete d-bag.
    My bet is he walked around waving it in order to create the scenario he ultimately recorded.
    I hope some day he needs the help,of the police and that cop responds to his call.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That driver is a complete d-bag.
    My bet is he walked around waving it in order to create the scenario he ultimately recorded.
    I hope some day he needs the help,of the police and that cop responds to his call.

    July 6, 2014 at 8:34 PM

    What driver? The guy WALKING? You hope he needs help and wish this cop responds? Why would you wish someone needed help? And why would you wish this same kop, who doesn't know the law, would respond?

    YOU like many others, most of them kops, have the wrong mentality. You don't wish someone needs help. You wish people never need help, but if they do, the correct help arrives in time.

    Police are paid to provide a service. Not to be begged to do their job nor bribed to do their job. If they feel they should be treated special or have their inflated egos stroked to do their job, that should not have that job, nor do they deserve that job. It is a PRIVILEGE to be able to wear a police uniform. People who abuse that PRIVILEGE should be fired and never allowed to have that PRIVILEGE ever again.


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