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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Joe Gibbs’ Organization Housing Undocumented Children in Virginia

It was only a matter of time before some of the thousands of undocumented children flooding the United States border reached Virginia. But the organization that is housing those children was founded by a man familiar to virtually everyone in the Washington, D.C., area.

Prince William County Board of Supervisors Chairman Corey Stewart, R-Woodbridge, confirmed via social media and his office that Youth For Tomorrow , a Vienna, Va.-based nonprofit founded by former Washington Redskins Coach Joe Gibbs, is contracting with the feds to house undocumented minors at its facility in Bristow, Va.

Watchdog.org called Youth For Tomorrow, which offered a number that connected to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. When Watchdog.org called the organization again, Youth For Tomorrow said it’s making “no comment” at this time. Vienna is in Fairfax County, but Bristow is in Prince William County, where Stewart serves.



  1. Joe Gibbs is Christian with a deep faith. Who are we to question his motives or humanitarian motivations. Maybe he lives by the mantra; what would Jesus do?

  2. Hey Joe how about taking care of US homeless first you are just bad as Obama , well almost.

  3. Ok. What happens though when some of these children who are able to, become pregnant? Instant citizen. Who is watching all of these children?

  4. Hey we can make a boatload of money by housing some at the abandoned drill academy near the airport. What politician wants to jump on that?

  5. The more dollars spent on illegals, the less for Americans.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Joe Gibbs is Christian with a deep faith. Who are we to question his motives or humanitarian motivations. Maybe he lives by the mantra; what would Jesus do?

    July 17, 2014 at 8:30 AM

    F.U. Dirtbag. I get sick and tired of you fake Christians making stupid comments like this. I bet you have a criminal record and just happened to "find Jesus."

  7. You 12:14 have some serious anger issues. Obviously you are a non believer and intolerant of others religious beliefs and practices. Why not just keep your anger and aggression to yourself.

  8. How do they always find money for things like this yet they can't seem to find any money to help seniors or veterans?

  9. 12:48 An obvious self interest comment by a senior who happens to be a veteran. Yup, it is all about you.
    Tell us again how you have to live on a "fixed income" like the rest of us can print money when we need it.

  10. 12:14, it appears that you, the atheist, may most likely be the one with the criminal record since you are obviously a wicked-angry-desperate-lonely person. You should learn to practice the "9 Fruits Of The Spirit."


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