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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

ISIS Declares A Caliphate; Crucifies 9 Syrian Rebels For Being "Too Moderate"

Erstwhile leader of ISIS, Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has declared himself Caliphate, Amir Al-Mu'minin - Leader of Believers, as militants bear down on Baghdad. This comes as the extremist group demands that all Al-Qaeda and Jihadi branches must now pledge allegiance to ISIS.. if not there are consequences as nine rebels have been crucified for being too 'moderate' or accused of receiving support from Western powers. We suspect this may slow 'demand' for Obama's latest cunning plan to offer 'aid' to only "moderate" terrorists.

ISIS have declared their Caliphate.



  1. Ah yes, the religion of peace. How O loved the sound of the morning chants. I sure he wishes that could be here.

  2. muslims killing muslims......I don't see the problem here...

  3. The problem is they don't stop at Muslims.

  4. arm both sides so they can wipe out each other, mop up the rest with drone attacks.

  5. ISIS? WTH is ISIS? They keep dropping all these Muslim names on us I keep getting confused.


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