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Friday, July 11, 2014

IRS Update

House members release emails showing IRS officials may have communicated with instant messages that weren't archived. 

Republicans have been after the IRS for the loss of two years worth of emails from computer crashes. The emails come from the tax exempt organization, which was found to have discriminated against conservative groups in the two years before the 2012 election. 

The Wall Street Journal reports, the emails released this week show former tax exempt official Lois Lerner inquiring whether instant messages were saved. When the IT official replied they were not, Lerner sent a one-word reply: Perfect.


  1. Surely they do 10:01. But isn't NSA part of the same corrupt institution as the IRS? I'm sure they have e-mails, instant messages and everything else necessary to convict these criminals, but they will never see the light of day.

  2. That's a LOVELY story, and you tell it so well; with such ENTHUSIASM!

    Total BS CYA LIES.

  3. First there were emails in a computer.

    Then, the computer crashed, and the emails were lost.

    Then, the hard drives were ground up into tiny pieces.

    Now, there were never any emails on a computer with a hard drive that was never ground up; they were all texts on phones that were never saved.

    YEAH! THAT"S the ticket! Yeah! Texts that weren't saved! That's what they were! That's what I've been saying all along!


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