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Friday, July 11, 2014

IRS Email Hunt Shows Lerner Switched To Texts, Which Aren't Kept....'Perfect'

U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan has ordered the IRS to explain what happened to Lois Lerner’s emails.Judicial Watch sued when the IRS refused to provide them. DOJ tried hard to block it but lost. The legal wrangling is just one more seedy chapter in a scandal that casts further doubt on the tax system.

Still, it may bring a smile to the face of more than a few American taxpayers who have ever had to hunt for a receipt to hand over to the IRS. Will the IRS comply? It is harder to end-run a Judge than Congressional investigators. Yet the IRS seems pretty savvy at stalling. Besides, there’s a new wrinkle: Texts aren’t emails.

Remember the old saying, “if you don’t ask (for exactly the right thing), you don’t get?” Oh, you mean there are texts too? Yes, some of the real juice may be in text or instant messages. Indeed, in 2013 when the IRS targeting scandal was already brewing, Ms. Lerner asked an IRS IT specialist if the IRS saved texts? No, they are not automatically saved, came back the response.



  1. First there were emails in a computer.

    Then, the computer crashed, and the emails were lost.

    Then, the hard drives were ground up into tiny pieces.

    Now, there were never any emails on a computer with a hard drive that was never ground up; they were all texts on phones that were never saved.

    YEAH! THAT"S the ticket! Yeah! Texts that weren't saved! That's what they were! That's what I've been saying all along!

  2. That's a LOVELY story, and you tell it so well; with such ENTHUSIASM!

    Total BS CYA LIES.

  3. Very telling of the NSA's alleged ability to monitor and store all forms of communication.

  4. I have a bridge I would like to sell these people who are buying this garbage.

  5. If you read the rules - technically, the texts are required to be kept also.....


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