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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Instead of impeachment, can House vote to overturn Obama executive order?

The White House has fueled talk that House Republicans might move to impeach President Obama if he uses executive authority to enact far-reaching changes in immigration policy. "The president acting on immigration reform will certainly up the likelihood that [Republicans] would contemplate impeachment at some point," top White House aideDan Pfeiffer told reporters Friday at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. "I would not discount that possibility."

White House spokesman Josh Earnest echoed Pfeiffer's remarks later Friday, and Democratic fundraisers seized on the topic to raise the specter of the GOP attempting to remove the president from office. In an effort to rouse the party base, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent out a series of "IMPEACHMENT RED ALERT" fundraising appeals over the weekend.

Some Republicans have obliged the talk. "From my standpoint, if the president [enacts more executive actions], we need to bring impeachment hearings immediately before the House of Representatives," Rep. Steve King told Breitbart News. On Fox News Sunday, Rep. Steve Scalise, the new House Majority Whip, declined to rule out impeachment -- but certainly did not rule it in, either.



  1. King Obama is violating Article 1 of the Constitution...He should be tried, convicted and place in front of a firing Squad....

    The rest of the Commies will toe the line than....

  2. Well it would make more sense. They do hold THE PURSESTRINGS!

  3. Arrest the Muslim, commie, bisexual now before more damage is done that can't be undone.


  4. The 'rats are stirring this pot to draw money via their fundraisers.

    The House should just completely decline to fund any programs or activities it finds objectionable in the upcoming budget. Cut off his allowance!

    After the elections could be a different story, depending on the results. That's why it's wise for those opposed to the despot to avoid encouraging this talk.

    Let the 'rats be the only ones pushing the story and it will lose traction and wither. It's all for spin!

    For the time being, just like Holder, it's a form of prosecutor discretion!


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