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Sunday, July 20, 2014

In Ocean City, ‘The Claw’ And Other Arcade Games Are Facing New State Regulations

If ever there seemed a place immune to bureaucratic meddling, it would be inside “the claw,” a glass box piled high with plush “Despicable Me” dolls, waiting to be plucked by a claw crane.

And yet, state lawmakers have managed to wriggle inside, not to play but to regulate.

Yes, beachgoers, a staple of summer could be at risk — at least that’s what arcade owners are warning. For the first time, amusement-game operators are facing some of the same requirements as the state’s casinos, and they fear additional fees and paperwork will make it impossible to make a profit on Skee-Ball, crane games and other classic summertime pursuits.

“I am not going to be regulated out of business,” said Jerry Greenspan, the second-generation owner of Sportland and Fun City, two of the Ocean City boardwalk’s biggest arcades. “My dad worked too hard.”



  1. Another example of to much government control. They want to control everything in your life. Smaller government more freedom.

  2. Keep it up.Beachgoers are more educated now than ever before because of the internet.Fewer and fewer will patronize these businesses when they realize how controlled they are.

  3. Jim and Norm will get them out of it if they donate enough.

  4. What baloney! Did some kid's parents get frustrated when they couldn't get a plush toy out of a claw machine?

  5. Tax and spend is all they know how to do.

  6. Claw machines are designed to sucker little kids into giving the Greespan's the money that mom and pop and the grandparents gave them to have fun. None of the little kids will get a cheap Chinese made doll. Back in the 1950's, I think it was a nickel a try, never even came close to getting a similar piece of nothing/junk and spent all my "little kid" money fattening up the wallet of some other Greenspan when I should have been buying ice cream or french fries. I have zero empathy for the greedy Jerry Greespan's of the world that take advantage of unknowing children. Ocean City boardwalk=overpriced, noisy waste of money and time filled with people that I choose to NOT be around.

  7. I hate claw games they are scams you can tell the claws has been weakened a lot it wasn't like it back in 2004, but be weak a long with the recession.

  8. 11:59, don't talk about things you have no business talking about. They were ALWAYS scams.

  9. Ocean City has became a waste of time and money. It is so sad to see how it has gone down over the years and now has became waste town. You can go on a All-Inclusive Vacation out of the country and have All Your Food and Booze and Flight and Hotel for what you can pay to go to Ocean City these days and go to a better place and cleaner water.

  10. Yep this is the democrats for you. Real good at taxing and spending but clueless when it comes to coming up with real solution to the budget problems they created.
    Time to show them all the door. The worst Republican if far far better then ANY democrat.

  11. The claw games, as with most games on the boardwalk or at carnivals, are not favorable to the players. But I don't know anyone who is being forced to spend their money on them. It's all voluntary so leave them alone. It's not like taxes where you pay up or go to jail.

  12. Wow. I have NEVER seen more idiotic posts on this blog than I have read here on this subject.
    Let me address just one - the one posted by "mack" at 1:53 PM:
    You are comparing staying at an "all-inclusive" resort to a vacation in Ocean City? Absolutely ridiculous.
    I can't speak for anyone else, but I would think that staying for a week in ONE hotel with ONE location to eat and ONE bar to have drink would be boring beyond boring.
    For a little extra money, you can come to OC and go to FIFTY places that kids and the family would like; a couple of HUNDRED places to choose your dinner and drinks; a side trip to Assateague to see the ponies; a day trip and take the Lewes/Cape May Ferry; a TEN MILE white-sand beach; a TWO MILE sidewalk along the Ocean.
    I won't even mention the incredible hassle of flying nowadays.
    Don't give me that ridiculous argument comparing the price of an all-inclusive resort to OC. Not even close.
    I'll make you a deal: If that is the sort of vacation you really like, come stay at my place for a week.
    I'll cook you breakfast, serve lunch and dinner, and make your drinks, too.
    I live on the ocean... beautiful view... but you must remain directly in front of my condo for the entire week, and not go anywhere else in Ocean City.
    For this, I'll match the cost of parking, airfare, airport transfers, taxi service to the hotel, tips for everybody, and a week's stay at an all inclusive resort. Probably around $1500 for two.
    Contact me here.

  13. Things are much cheaper in NC. There is no boardwalk but there are just as many if not more things to do. Plus you don't have to deal with the huge crowds like you do in OC. I have seen the boardwalk in the summertime and it is so packed you can't move. Sorry not my kind of vacation. It's OBX for me.

  14. 10:34
    I agree! The beaches are not as crowded either which means you can actually relax and not have to worry about people being right on top of you.

  15. Oc is dated, dirty., tired, and way over priced. The food is nothing special, tourist driven. Hotels are double what other beach towns charge. Its simply a tourist trap whos time has come and gone. Nothing is ever updated...although the bright spot Jolly Roger has seen the light and done a makeover....time for oc to do the same.

  16. The Claw chooses who will stay and who will go !

  17. Love your comment 10:26. I'm right with you. This "inclusive" crap isn't for me either. Not only would it be hugely boring but those places tend to be something akin to 3rd World. I would much rather visit one of the Greek or Italian Islands where at least the crime is under control and the government cooperate with the US if something were to happen.

  18. FYI the claw machines are set to make a certain amount of money before the claw will be tight enough to pick up anything. Its my understanding that is only for the items that have higher price tags but if it passes it will end up being for all items.Its was cheaper for us to go to Myrtle Beach. But the beach and the board walk are no comparison to OC. That being said the crowd on the boardwalk is a disappointment for me just sleazy I enjoy it more at my age on the off season. Lets face it it is all about the money if you dont like it stay away.

  19. Claw games are not only nationwide, but nationwide ripoffs. I can just look at one and say that! Are you all idiots? Do you equally dump your money into poker machines in states that do not allow payoff for a win? I'm sorry, my cup of care just dumped out.

  20. The claw machine is just another option to gamble, we all know gambling games are all rigged to make the owners of said machines rich. Fools and their money.

  21. Those machines should be considered gambling. You pay to WIN something but not guaranteed. Just like slot machines and any other gambling machines. Boycott them!

  22. HAVE WE HAD ENOUGH YET??????????? Just remember that this is what democrats live for.

  23. Outlaw claw machines? Hell no. I say, if you're dumb enough to put your hard-earned money into something that won't ever show a return, then you deserve to lose that money -- and let the much wiser man who owns the machine keep your dollar!

    At the same time, if I want to flush my hard-earned money down the toilet, that's my prerogative, too. It's a game and it's for my amusement. I oughta know what's at stake the moment I let go of my money.


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