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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

‘I Saved His Life’: 3-Year-Old Rescues Man Trapped in Hot Car

A 3-year-old in Tennessee is being hailed as a hero after he helped save an elderly man trapped in a hot car.

Bob King, who has battled cancer, suffered from strokes and wears a pacemaker, was trapped in his car in a Knoxville church parking lot with temperatures in the 90s. He saw 3-year-old Keith Williams, and called out for help.

Keith ran to get his pastor, who was able to unlock the door from the outside.



  1. I do not understand how you get locked in your own car.
    Ok, maybe he was in the back seat and the child locks were in play, but climb over the console and get out of the front door.
    This makes no sense.

  2. First off let me start by saying hes close to 80-90 years old has had 2 strokes a heart attack and has a pace maker If you would have took the time to read you would have found out his lock malfunctioned it broke in other words he was trapped in the passenger seat hot 90 degree weather that lil boy saved his life


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