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Friday, July 11, 2014

Hispanic Lawmakers to Obama: Use ‘Executive Action’ to Stop All Deportations of Illegal Aliens

At a press conference on Thursday, Reps. Luis Guiterrez (D-Ill.) and Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) joined immigration activists to call on President Barack Obama to stop deportations and allow illegal aliens to have work permits in the latest effort to compel the president to make sweeping changes to immigration law through executive orders.

They also called on expanding the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) to parents of so-called Dreamers and others that would qualify for a path to citizenship as spelled out in the immigration bill (S.744) as passed by the Senate in June 2013 but not taken up by the House.

“I believe the president of the United States can take the kind of broad, executive action that can help millions of people stop their deportation and be in deportation proceedings, No. 1, or possibly ever be deported, and give them a work permit,” said Guiterrez, who with Grijalva is also a member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC).



  1. Why? Just a simple answer. WHY?

    These are people illegally in the U.S. They are not out citizens to give "rights" to. They belong in their HOMELAND.

    Don't you get that, or are you just playing us because we have a weak incompetent president?

    How much did Obama pay for you to deliver these people to the border?

  2. We already have perfectly good immigration laws on the books for over 230 years and, when enforced, will continue to serve this Country well.

    Send all non- U.S. citizens who are not in the naturalization process back to their HOMELANDS.

    It's that simple, and I hope the House leaves that pile of crap "reform" bill right on the floor and out the door where it belongs.

    Have you read it? Please do before you rebut!

  3. The catch phrase that is disturbing here is "Executive Action". How much free will and power should one president wield? This party of "ONE"


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