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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Hillary doubles down on poverty claim, blames 'relentless persecution'

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton told the German magazine Der Spiegel on Tuesday that she and her husband Bill were indeed 'deeply in debt' when they left the White House and blamed 'relentless persecution' by Republicans for her legal bills after his presidency.

The claim has added fuel to the fire Clinton herself touched off last month when she claimed they were 'dead broke' after their time in the White House.

The former first lady earns $200,000 or more every time she makes a public speech. The former president has earned a reported $104 million in speaking fees since he left the Oval Office behind him.

The power couple has also raised more than $1 billion in political contributions for Democrats and their own foundation in the last two decades.



  1. It's all a right-wing conspiricy after all... what a loser.

  2. I hope Hillary keep running her big mouth and that the next Republican presidential nominee has the courage to use it against her mercilessly. Hammer her 24/7 on everything she ever said or did. Attack, attack, attack.

  3. The Hildabeast. We are down to $100 million, what will we do! Where will we live? Bill spends that in hookers alone in a year. Poor, poor pitiful me.
    It's all the Republicans fault...


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