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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Hillary Clinton's air of 'inevitability' evaporating

Hillary Clinton needs a conscience transplant, and she needs it now. Her book tour is in a shambles, the fate of her $14 million advance from her publisher is marooned somewhere in limbo. She’s under 50 percent approval for the first time in the presidential polling for 2016, and, scariest of all, she’s having to call on Bubba for help. She knows better than to become merely “a wife of,” but 2014 is beginning to smell like 2008, and she’s Miss Inevitability once more. This is dj vu all over again.

Some of the learned pundits, who only yesterday were writing about “the five reasons why Hillary is a lock for the White House,” are writing now about “five reasons why Hillary won’t run.” The budding consensus is that (1) she’s just not very good at politics; (2) there’s no “fire in the tummy”; (3) who wants to clean up after Barack Obama, any way; (4) the country wants real change; and (5) another round of “Clinton, Bush, Clinton” with children of both families waiting in the wings, is thrilling nobody.



  1. Don't bet on it.

  2. George Bushes Fault for sure...and u are doing this because she claimed she was a black kid at birth too....

  3. Poof...to Hill.
    B.O. is promoting Valerie Jarrett. Isn't that special? Hello NO it's not special; it's sick. This girl's had enough of this crap.

  4. Hillary's "invisibility" was trounced by a one term Senator. She's an empty bag.


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