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Tuesday, July 08, 2014


Jamie Glazov of FrontPage Magazine, author of “United in Hate” and “Showdown with Evil,” is tired of being called “racist” or an “Islamophobe” for speaking out against the danger Islam poses to both Westerners and Muslims alike.

As WND reported, Glazov appeared last month in a panel discussion on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Channel program, in which fellow panel member Tamara Holder blasted Glazov as “a disgusting person” for claiming those who deny Islam’s role in jihad are complicit in perpetuating jihadist terror.

That kind of attack – labeling the champion of victims as the perpetrator instead – is exactly how the left operates, Glazov now explains.


  1. By the way ,I'm a radical American!!! I have no problem with terminating muslims.

  2. A fantastic clip, and to bring it one step further, as a leader of the Faith, the question would be, it a "few radical Catholics" (like a sect of 5,000+ or so)decided that suicide bombings of Muslims was their true calling as Catholics, the Pope would act as you do, poo- pooing those few "off track" Catholics as just a bunch of errant kids, and that Catholicism is still good and intact!

    I don't think so, Kimosabe!I think the Pope would be the first to excommunicate them and separate them from any participation in the faith, rock hard guaranteed outside and in fill public view!

  3. Islam is an evil religion.They advocate killing all non-muslins,their quran demands it.They want to take civilization back a thousand years.


  4. IMHO there are lots of marginal or largely unobservant followers of Islam, just as there are lots of slack Christians and Jews.

    The very real problem is that the slackers and the normally observant will not call out and challenge the wacko fringe that is the source of the trouble.

    A compelling reason for not making waves is that the terrorists have no qualms about killing anyone who disagrees with them. They are an impediment to all peaceful people of all faiths. The only real solution is to be efficient at rounding them up and securing them, or dispatching them. Then all peaceful people can worship as they please. BHO just has no clue or he would have thrown the key to Guantanamo away rather than releasing the killers he did.


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