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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Good Morning Delmarva


  1. They need a newer version to wake everyone up about OweMalley's gas tax increases!

  2. Lawmakers are trying to bankrupt us all!

  3. Asking or demanding government intervention in the price of a free market traded commodity is asking or demanding for an economy to become socialistic/communistic in structure.

  4. If the republicans and the oil barons in this country would get out of the oil business and making a killing on the American people, then the prices would be more affordable.

  5. 8:25
    You are correct that gas prices are set by the world market, however you forget that the non stop printing (monetizing our debt) of currency is lowering the buying power of the dollar worldwide, and the restrictions on oil recovery and refinery capacity are contributing to higher than necessary prices.
    Oh and don't forget that we are forced to water down gasoline with very expensive ethanol.

  6. maybe somebody will be smart enough to invent a steam engine?

  7. 11:46
    What are you gonna use to heat the water into steam?

  8. That store owner is lucky no one demanded gas for that price. He would have to give it out to them. It's an "advertised" price.

  9. 12:36 The hot air from progressives

  10. 12:36 Cremate dead democrats for a fuel source. Well, that won't happen because of all the pollution it would cause. Would never get EPA approval.

  11. Can't be true. There is no inflation!

  12. "What are you gonna use to heat the water into steam?"

    Simple: Congress

  13. "If the republicans and the oil barons in this country would get out of the oil business and making a killing on the American people, then the prices would be more affordable."

    Think again, Ray. It was not the evil Republicans that just raised the price of gas here in Maryland. You really need to drop that tired old narrative. No thinking person buys that silly crap anymore.

  14. "..prices the the day.."

    I guess he didn't use spell check.

  15. You wouldn't see that at Bill Gordy's Exons. He is a Democrat. The only time I remember him speaking bad about a Democrat was the day he exposed Jim Ireton being a Homo and being arrested on that beach in Delaware. He was pimping for Bubba Comagees those days.

  16. It all boils down to greed...greedy gas companies, greedy banking institutes, greedy health care companies. The free market is allowing all this to flourish. Oh and the biggest whore mongers of them all, politicians raking in the bucks at the tax payers expense. This is not what our founding fathers had in mind.


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