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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Glenn Beck Says if Jesse Ventura Had Any ‘Character’ Left, He Would Do This for Chris Kyle’s Family

Glenn Beck said Wednesday that if former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura had any “character” left, he would return the $1.8 million a jury awarded him in his lawsuit against the estate of “American Sniper” author Chris Kyle.

The late Navy SEAL sniper wrote in his book that he punched a man, whom he later identified as Ventura, after the man allegedly said the Navy SEALs “deserve to lose a few.” Ventura denied the claim and filed a lawsuit against Kyle before Kyle’s death last year.

Beck made it clear that he trusts Kyle’s word over Ventura’s, but said, “let’s just say the jury got this one right, that Chris Kyle was lying about this.”

“This is where we go back to justice and mercy, and we have to be a nation that understands justice and mercy,” Beck continued. “So let’s just say something that I don’t believe, but let’s say that it worked out correctly, that Jesse Ventura was defamed. None of that happened and the jury got it right.”

“Jesse Ventura has done more damage to himself by now accepting that $1.8 million,” Beck said. “In what world does Jesse Ventura think he looks good beating up on a widow? When he started this lawsuit, Chris Kyle was alive. … You are now going after a widow. You are going after his children. You are taking $1.8 million from a family who doesn’t have $1.8 million. They don’t have it.”


  1. He will donate that Money to Hillary Clinton's Campaign....

  2. Hell with Beck! How much money did he get from the sale of a book, that is not true?

  3. Glen Beck is a hack.

  4. Glenn Beck is an honorable man, and asks a completely fair question.

  5. All of you are nazis. Go get a life. At least Beck lets you see the other side

  6. CBS tried to throw him under the bus this morning on the news.
    He won fair and square, and that should teach people not to lie.
    He sued an insurance company, not the family, so the family is out nothing.

  7. As I see it, some people don't like to hear the real facts.


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