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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Fans and Foes React to Burger King’s New Gay Pride Burger

Popular fast food chain Burger King has waded into the contentious cultural debate over homosexuality with the creation and sale of its first-ever gay pride burger.

Known as the Proud Whopper, the beef-burger is being sold at only one Burger King location in downtown San Francisco, California, though it has gained national attention.



  1. Never ate at Burger King much and never will again.

  2. I would worry about the "Special Sauce", that is on it!

  3. Nothing new here. McDonald's has been using that SPECIAL SAUCE for years.

  4. Now they are trying to turn Burger King into a transsexual. It is called Burger King not Burger Queen.


  5. Bad call, BK.

    I'll be proud to take my business elsewhere.

    Why idiot owners and managers agree to get used this way is beyond me but I'm happy to vote with my wallet!

  6. F*k Burger King. I just ate there the other night at the new place on Mt. Hermon Road. I am not going to eat there again.

    Most people will say the same thing and forget... guess what I don't forget and I will remind people of what happened.

    Everyone is constantly bending over backwards to the minority and to stupid to realize they are offending the majority. When will these idiots wake up!!

  7. My fast food restaurant of choice is now Chik Fillet. Hopefully they won't cave in. I guess burger king didn't learn what happened when the homo's tried to boycott Chik Fillet because of the owners stance on same sex marriage.

  8. Do what I do and ignore them. They are like children always wanting attention if you give it to them like everybody is then it fuels them. Just ignore them.

  9. Sick, just sick!

  10. whats their new slogan ? "we want our meat in your mouth !"


  12. Corporate support for gay pride includes banks, retail giants, airlines, phone companies and on and on. If you were to boycott them all you would not be able to live.

  13. Hey...who cares...all that stuff is poison anyway. If you are eating fast food you are going to rot and die from the inside out anyway. There needs to be a REAL FOOD movement in this company. I will eat out when real food is served again. Until then....I eat the best of the best always. BTW...since when did food have anything to do with sex anyway? Other than the disgusting BK ads.

  14. I'm not homophobic bad I'll commend BK on the marketing tactic. IT'S SAN FRANCISCO PEOPLE! Have you ever been there?

  15. Good for BK. And to you naysayers out there... this is simply the free market at work! Enjoy!

  16. Little children really need to start asking mommy and daddy some tough questions to wake them up. Mommy what is intercourse....AS last seen on your local commercial for some latest pill from big pharma. OUR CHILDREN are WATCHING!!!!

  17. Anonymous said...
    I'm not homophobic bad I'll commend BK on the marketing tactic. IT'S SAN FRANCISCO PEOPLE! Have you ever been there?

    July 3, 2014 at 4:18 PM

    Sounds like it might be your favorite vacation spot.


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