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Thursday, July 03, 2014

Facebook MIND CONTROL Experiment tied Department of Defense Civil Unrest Research

US Educational facilities continue to cooperate directly with military programs that do not have the best interest of the public in mind . The Agenda of the Government is becoming more and more clear. No conspiracy here this is what they are doing! It’s wrong! It has to STOP!

Facebook received funding from the Pentagon’s So called Minerva Research Initiative. Facebook Psychological Experiment tied Department of Defense Civil Unrest Research.

The Pentagon-funded Minerva program provides cash awards to everyone from “single investigators to large multi-university consortia,” according to its website and includes “researchers from 32 academic institutions, including six non-US universities and four industry or non-profit organizations.”

Results of the week-long study conducted by researchers at Facebook, Cornell University, and the University of California appeared in the June edition of the journal ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Scientists’ (PNAS) under the rather insidious title, ‘Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks’.



  1. huh the tin foul hat crowd looks smarter and smarter every day..byt.some still have thier heads in the sand

  2. Well....the people with the tin foil hats are really looking smarter...but then they did years ago when I found out that your local cable company plays one set of commercials to one demographic and another set to a different demographic at the same exact time. So if your neighborhood would not be interested in drinking Ripple with dinner you are not going to get that commercial but they will not get your ING commercial either. Did some one say discrimination? Not me.


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