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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Even Sam's Club is trying to get rid of these books

I found this book discounted in Sam's Club yesterday. There were PILES of them. Some people had even turned the front cover around so you couldn't see what the book was. Too Funny!


  1. Might be worth a dollar if the pages are usable as toilet paper...


  2. Word to the wise; any purchase, no matter how cheaply, will go into the 'Sold' column. Better that she & the publisher have to eat the unsold returns.

  3. If you really want to read a good book about what happens to a liar, then read Pinocchio! He just grew a longer nose. She just got uglier and uglier!

  4. How many hours-days then someone spend airbrushing that cover photo?

  5. They could not PAY ME to take a book. Trash written by trash.

  6. Looked in Walmart today. Still $24+. If you look at the book section as a whole, her two rows are fully stocked to the front. ALL other books on the WHOLE SECTION have books missing, removed, on other words, SOLD!

    Not that one.

    I wouldn't dirty my shelf with one.

  7. I would buy this book once it gets to below 5 dollars since it would make good fuel for a campfire.


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