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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Eric Holder’s Animus towards His Critics

Were you aware that your opposition to Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama is due at least in part because of your “racial animus,” and not because you disagree with their policies and abuse of their constitutional authority?

That, anyway, is Holder’s latest claim, which shows how disconnected the attorney general is from reality. It is also more evidence of something John Fund and I outline in our book, Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department, that Holder views the world through a racial prism that distorts his judgment.

Holder on Sunday also repeated the false claims he has made before about voter-ID laws preventing “[y]oung people, African Americans, Hispanics, [and] older people” from voting despite the years of evidence from states like Georgia and Indiana that turnout — including of minority and other voters — has gone up, not down, after they implemented their voter-ID laws.



  1. He's not a particularly good Attorney General and an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why. He is both partial and racist.

    Before he was elected President, Obama had the most liberal voting record in the Senate. He is now the most liberal president in history. He lies over and over again to further a leftist agenda. He is a great speaker and a master of deception. If you ignore his words and look at his actions you will see the truth. He refuses to compromise on anything. He uses racism and division as weapons in forcing policies on the USA that most of the USA don't want. Holder does the exact same thing.

    So Dear Mr. Holder,

    It's the policies, stupid.

    But I'm sure you're well aware of that. This is just another smear attack on one of your enemies. Screw you!

  2. Hold it. Holder is black? I know he's not sucks at enforcing the law and all too good at doing whatever Obama wants but I didn't realize he's black. Maybe because I don't watch TV anymore.

  3. Hold it. Holder is black? I know he's not sucks at enforcing the law and all too good at doing whatever Obama wants but I didn't realize he's black. Maybe because I don't watch TV anymore.

  4. YES I am a racist for hating the way they run the country and the lack of criminal prosecution...

    I will be glad to be called a racist then if that is all... I mean Hell I am already on the govt list and I am already a terrorist for having 1 weeks worth of food and because I love my country and because I believe in god...

  5. Holder and Obama are the prime examples of what you get when professional communist politicians are put in positions of authority. As for racism, I'm glad it does exist because it does provide a perfect platform for all to see our failed regime at its obvious best due to our racist kenyan king and his racist house nigerian Holder. Both are perfect examples of evil and human garbage. When will this country wake up and do something right for a change?

  6. Holder is an incompetent criminal that should be in jail for "Fast and Furious" among other crimes. I don't care what color he is. He is still in power because of a corrupt president and a weak spineless congress.


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