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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Democrats In Peril After Overplaying ‘War On Women’ Strategy In Key Swing State

DENVER — The Democrats’ “war on women” strategy may resonate with liberals, but it’s losing ground with crucial female swing voters in Colorado, said a poll released this week.

A whopping 77 percent of women voters surveyed agree that they “clearly see through the so-called Democrat ‘War on Women’ messaging strategy,” according to Magellan Strategies in Louisville, Colo.

The poll also found that 67 percent of those surveyed “do not fear a government bureaucrat taking birth control away from them, but what they fear are politicians using the issue of ‘access to birth control’ as a political tactic to scare them into voting a certain way.’”

The survey was conducted on behalf of the right-leaning Colorado Women’s Alliance, but those polled weren’t dedicated Republicans. The June 3-4 poll contacted 500 women identified as registered independents, Republican-leaning independents, and “soft” Republican voters.



  1. Contrary to popular men's beliefs, women aren't stupid!

  2. If democrats have their way people will have to fill out an offical government request form befor having sex,of course they will have to state the reason for the sexual encounter and if it is for any reason other than producing future democratic voters they will have to prove they are using offical government issued contraception.

  3. And the Democrats don't even have to show an ID before sex.

  4. Democrats count on Women and minorities being stupid and it back fired.

  5. Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

    Vote for the best qualified, Vote Republican!


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