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Friday, July 11, 2014

Democrats Are Plotting A Direct Response To The Supreme Court's Obamacare Decision

Democrats are plotting a direct challenge to the Supreme Court's Affordable Care Act-related decision last week, planning to introduce legislation Wednesday that would usurp the ruling.

Led by the conservative justices, the high court ruled last week that closely held for-profit corporations like Hobby Lobby, could be exempt from covering emergency contraceptives under the Affordable Care Act based on religious exemptions. In the wake of the decision, a furious Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed Democrats would act soon.

On Wednesday, Sens. Patty Murray (D-Washington) and Mark Udall (D-Colorado) will introduce the bill, which would bar for-profit companies from declining coverage on any federally guaranteed health services for religious reasons. That includes the 20 forms of contraception detailed in the Affordable Care Act, according to a summary of the bill provided to Business Insider.



  1. I've figured it out...
    Democrats/liberals are basically extremely immature people permanently stuck in adolescence rebelling against anything they perceive to be normal.
    They will resort to any extreme tantrum to get their way, exact revenge or suppress their opposition.

  2. Yea 8:34, we will see the reaction, from conservatives, when the SCOTUS makes gay marriage legal in the entire US next year.

  3. Democrats/liberals are basically extremely immature people permanently stuck in adolescence rebelling against anything they perceive to be normal.
    They will resort to any extreme tantrum to get their way, exact revenge or suppress their opposition.

    And what exactly did we see from Republicans when the ACA was declared constitutional.

  4. And rightly so 9:57
    They had every right to complain... The ACA is the worst legislation in HISTORY!


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