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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Delaware Now Allows Electronic Proof Of Auto Insurance

Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart is alerting drivers in Delaware that Delaware law-enforcement officials now accept proof of auto insurance (insurance ID card) in physical or electronic format. House Bill 258 w/HA 1 states that law-enforcement will now accept electronic proof of insurance on “a cellular phone or any type of portable electronic device.”

While this bill will make it easier for drivers in Delaware to prove that they have the proper insurance coverage Stewart recommends that drivers continue to keep a current physical copy of their insurance ID card in their vehicle at all times.

Stewart noted, “I applaud the Delaware legislature and Gov. Jack Markell for passing and enacting this legislation that will now allow for electronic proof of auto insurance. Delaware is now the 37th state to allow this proof of insurance coverage. However, I suggest that all drivers still keep a physical copy of their current insurance ID card in their vehicle in case your cell phone [or other portable electronic device] has a dead battery or can’t get a signal when you need to show your proof of coverage. Additionally, not all of the states in the region accept electronic proof of auto insurance, including New Jersey, New York and West Virginia. You don’t want to be caught without the proper proof of insurance when traveling.”



  1. I'm teaching my pig to drive right now!

  2. Sure. Just hand your phone over to a cop to take back to his vehicle and look at anything on it.

  3. My thoughts exactly, 308!


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