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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

DC Activists to Complain About Rats and Potholes to Congressman Who’s Trying to Stop Marijuana Decriminalization

A few weeks ago, Representative Andy Harris—the Maryland Republican who’s trying to strike down the District’s newly enacted marijuana decriminalization law—told WAMU that for people who live “in the federal enclave, then Congress is your local legislature.”

But now a group of DC activists, miffed by Harris’s outright dismissal of the DC Council, intend to make him pay for that remark by taking their municipal complaints to his Capitol Hill office. DC Vote, a group that lobbies for statehood, is asking its members to visit Harris in the Longworth House Office Building with their concerns about potholes, rats, building permits, parking tickets, and other things that DC residents ask their legislators on the council to deal with on a daily basis.

“Since Harris clearly takes our well-being to heart, let’s bring our community concerns to him,” the group says in a press release. “Be creative! Feel free to bring props, but keep in mind that firearms, explosives, and other dangerous materials are prohibited.”



  1. Republicans being against this are so self-centered. Aren't they for state's rights and decentralized federal government? That is EXACTLY what DC statehood means.

    Maybe instead of seeing DC as another democratic state, they should work on regaining the states that were previously republican.

  2. Correct the problems in your own state before you start meddling in other states.

  3. He picked the wrong battle with this.


  4. DC was specifically set up so that the nation's capital would not be beholden to any one state. Creating a state out of that postage stamp would be a major mistake.

    If they want to be 'free' return them to the states which provided the land. The Rain Tax windfall might be enough to balance the budget in Annapolis.

    Then, like Brazil, build a new capital in the center of the country, say Nebraska or Kansas. Move every stinking fed agency and their staff out there and put them up in FEMA trailers while warehouses and hangars are built for new offices.


  5. 4:43
    Yes, because Brazil is a model of doing things right...


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