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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Dallas-Fort Worth City Plans Heavy Police Presence to Discourage Border Protests

Judge promises to arrest protesters engaging in civil disobedience

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins went door-to-door in the neighborhood surrounding the Lamar Alternative Education Center and told residents police plan an extensive presence to discourage protests.

Residents told CBS 11 News they are disturbed by the prospect of protests like the one at the Murrieta Border Patrol station in California.

“I live right here so I don’t want to look out the back window and see people protesting everyday,” said Nathan Smith, who lives adjacent to the school.

Jenkins reassured residents the city will not tolerate a similar situation to the one in California where demonstrators blocked Homeland Security buses and demanded the federal government secure the border.

“As long as they make their statement in keeping with the law,” Jenkins said. “This is America and everybody is entitled to an opinion. If they break the law or impede the care of these children, then we’ll enforce the law.”



  1. Sounds like something out of North Korea.

  2. So now the "authorities" are going to arrest people for trying to protect their country form invaders, which is a job charged to the "authorities" that they will not do. Civil war is coming soon. I hope all the patriots are ready for the fight.


  3. "As long as they make their statement in keeping with the law"? How about the government obeying its own immigration laws? If the government does not respect the law the people will either have to enforce it themselves or not respect it just like the government. This regime is pushing us closer to civil war.

  4. I'm not sure civil war isn't what this administration want. They would institute martial law, and arrest anyone who disregards there demands. You civil rights won't mean a thing. They will also disregard the Constitution and the President will take over the country in every way. No elections in November, no more Congress. Just Obama and Jarrett in charge of everything.

  5. There are more of us than there are of them, a hundred times more!


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