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Friday, July 11, 2014

Court Backs Finding Of Wind Turbine Noise Problem

Lake Winds energy plant in Mason County now has to mitigate noise of its windmills

Michigan's 51st Circuit Court has ruled that Mason County was justified in determining that wind turbines at the Lake Winds Industrial Wind Plant near Ludington are too noisy.

In his June 16 decision, Judge Richard Cooper denied Consumer Energy's appeal to have the court overturn the county's finding that the wind plant was exceeding the county's established decibel level limits.

In a highly technical explanation, Judge Cooper said it was reasonable for the county to take into account the impact of maximum wind speeds that are not outside the norm. He also rejected the argument that excessive noise levels occurring only during certain periods of time should be allowed.



  1. Ocean city & Berlin, take note.

  2. I've been telling you on this website for years about the problems with this bad solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
    Wind turbines are ugly, they will never pay back their costs in generation, are unreliable, and must be backed up by conventional electricity generation wherever they are installed.
    They also operate at a maximum 25% capacity.
    There are really screwed up people that think that wind turbines are any solution going forward.

  3. 6:14 --

    Good comment, but the actual capacity is less than 20%, and here would probably be less than 15%.

    This is a huge scam ala Obama.

  4. why not put the technology to work introducing individual smaller model home systems... the problem lies in turbines that needs to be redesigned..I for one have looked into this ..not sure what Fruitland city ordinance says about it but I'm looking into it .I'm looking into the vertical type turbines used on skyscrapers with low wind sources..

  5. our area has been warned numerous times regarding this issue.

    wonder why the Europeans are phasing theirs out. hmmmm

  6. The big "Community" mills may be going out of style for the specific reason mentioned. I'm an individualist type, and am into solar on mu own roof for my own use, and my own windmill. I have no problem with these items being hooked to the grid so I can sell during the day and buy at night, when there is neither wind nor sun.

    Battery banks are a hassle I don't want to deal with.

    Maybe I should just build my own personal nuclear reactor...

  7. Wind turbines are a failed technology that are only in existence because they are rewarded with taxpayer and electric ratepayer's money. If the Somerset turbines are installed, even Worcester and Wicomico will pay higher electricity prices because even though most of the wind energy is dumped, the wind producers still get paid for it.


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