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Sunday, July 13, 2014


Bestseller disappearing as companion movie hits theaters

The retail giant Costco Wholesale has issued an order to remove all copies of Dinesh D’Souza’s bestselling book, “America: Imagine the World Without Her,” from the shelves of its stores nationwide, WND has confirmed.

The book, in this midterm election year, is a strong rebuttal of the progressive ideology behind President Obama’s policies, which have been supported by Costco co-founder and director Jim Sinegal, a major Democrat donor and a speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention that nominated the president. A Washington Post political reporter has noted Obama’s “romance” with the nation’s second-largest retailer.

At Amazon.com, D’Souza’s book, released June 2, is ranked No. 43 overall and is the No. 3 hardcover book in Amazon’s Politics and Government section and No. 1 in the Commentary and Opinion subsection of Politics and Government.



  1. Tryants who burn books eventually will burn people..books are the core of free speech

  2. what a shame ... couldn't stand having the truth in his stores.

  3. And its selling much better than Hillary's book.

  4. Thankfully, I am not, nor will I now pursue, a membership with Costco. Every American must justify their actions against their own conscience and standard, and supporting Costco is to support and defend actions against America. I would also challenge every reader to take time and go see the movie based on this book. You will walk away a different person and you will either have a stronger commitment or a deeper apathy.

  5. Costco as well as all other big business are in cahoots with the democrats. The plan is to have just a handful of large corporations controlling all commerce, trade and services as well as limiting the options consumers have and limiting choices of employment. That's what communism was all about.

  6. Yet, liberal democrats force a baker to bake cakes for things events he does not believe in , hypocrisy at its worst

  7. they have reversed their decision.

  8. 10:07 I did not know that, thanks for the info, good to hear some good news for once

  9. Progressives are the biggest hypocrites going. Speech is only free when it's theirs. All other voices must be squashed.

  10. 10:07-but the book won't be back on their shelves until a later date.

  11. Costco founder a big Obama supporter, any questions?

  12. If there was a Costco nearby, y'all would be so torn on this issue.

  13. 10:46 true statement

  14. No 1:44 I would not sell my soul to save a quarter. You must be a Democrat.

  15. 1:44-maybe you are not a principled person who stands by their principles but some of us most certainly are! I haven't stepped foot in a Walmart in a dozen years. Never been in Sam's Club which is similar to Costco and never intend to.

  16. "If there was a Costco nearby, y'all would be so torn on this issue."

    Wrong. Progressive insurance is available and inexpensive. I refused to even consider it while socialist pig Peter Lewis was affiliated. Same with CostCo. If you can be bought that easily, you MUST be an Obama supporter.

  17. 8:57-Corporations are in cahoots with Democrats? What? At least your idiocy is creative, I guess.

  18. Anonymous John said...
    10:07 I did not know that, thanks for the info, good to hear some good news for once

    July 9, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    You are quite welcome. Someone said the books would not be on the shelves until a later date.

    I haven't heard or read that anywhere.

    I have heard this is an excellent movie, with a lot of information in it.

    I watched Jon Voight on a show tonight and he was definitely speaking his mind.

    He certainly let obammy have it, both barrels. (figuratively)

    It is getting harder and harder to have self-restraint towards government in general and the police.

    Every single day I read about some abuse/crime kops commit and get off scott free.

    They killed another dog. They beat up somebody again. They killed somebody again. They knocked someone out of a wheelchair again. They beat up an old woman again.

    They have so much karma coming their way it's unfathomable. I am just wondering who will be the one to ignite the firestorm that is coming.

    Sometimes I think it may be me, but I'm just not there yet.


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