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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Comic bans use of Superman statue on tortured boy's grave

The owners of the Superman brand have banned a tortured boy's memorial from featuring their logo because they 'don't want to be associated with child abuse', it emerged today.

Five-year-old Superman fan Jeffrey Baldwin, from Toronto, Canada, died in tragic circumstances 12 years ago when he was starved to death by his grandparents.

He had been locked in a cold, urine and faeces-stained bedroom in the home of his grandmother, his Catholic Children's Aid Society-approved guardian, and wasted away to the weight of a baby.



  1. If it weren't for kids (and 30+ year old neckbeards) they wouldn't be a successful comic. F them.

    And why wasn't the Catholick whatever, checking on his welfare?

    Everyone dropping balls in this one.

  2. They should be proud . Kid was super To live as long as he did. Never liked superman anyway.


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