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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Brown Skips Tawes, Fewer Politicians Attend

An all-you-can-eat seafood festival that often draws Maryland's leading political candidates has wrapped up, with a little less star power than usual.

The 38th Annual J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake was held Wednesday afternoon in Crisfield. This year was unusual because Maryland's primary was held before the event in June, rather than in September as in past elections.

Democratic Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, who is running for governor, was scheduled to attend, but he did not make the trip. His campaign says Brown and running mate Ken Ulman attended a funeral in Baltimore County



  1. Is that why you didn't go, Joe?

  2. Obviously WBAL didn't attend either since they had to use a tacky file photo from last year.

    What was the big funeral that both Brown and Ulman had to attend. Funny it wasn't announced and the flags ordered flown at half mast. Typical of Democrats lying and using something that tugs at heart strings as an excuse.

    Notice very little was said about said about Gubernatorial Candidate Larry Hogan! We know who WBAL endorses and supports.

  3. Why weren't you there Joe? The fat blogger was there.

  4. More and more drunks every year, it is now an embarrassment for the area. If I was a politician I would want nothing to do with this event.

  5. I didn't go because it wasn't hot enough!

  6. Just goes to show how they don't
    care about the shore


  7. Hope OweBrown & Nullman were attended last services for their campaign!

  8. Wish he would skip running for Governor instead.

  9. Brown did not come because he knows he's going to lose on the lower shore. The few undecideds do not matter around here because they won't make a difference. On the other hand the woman who died as well as her husband are major players in the democrat party. Brown wanted the feather in his cap of being seen attending her memorial. BTW-she died back in June, so plenty of time for him to offer his condolences to her family who would have understood if Brown had begged off to attend the Crisfield event.
    If it were an event in an area where he thought he could garner more votes, he would have been there, funeral or no funeral.
    It was all orchestrated I think anyway to make Brown look like some kind of saint for foregoing a campaign event to attend the memorial. The family is politically in tune and knew darn right well the clam bake's date.

  10. Anonymous said...
    More and more drunks every year, it is now an embarrassment for the area. If I was a politician I would want nothing to do with this event.

    July 17, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    Drunks vote!

    I saw a picture of the gay mayor with the fat Delegate on another blog. They were standing there profiling for the fat blogger and the gay mayor was so cute in Kakis and flip flops. It looked like he peed a puddle and they were standing in it.

  11. Laura Mitchell was at the Clam Bake wearing her Laura Mitchell for County Council t-shirt and her sex-abuser husband was carrying a big load of those t-shirts as she was forcing them on people. Funny thing is I didn't see anyone other than Laura and Miguel the Molester wearing them. Does she really think she is a liked politician?

  12. Did Pollitt and Ireton once again waste taxpayers money on tents etc. in Crisfield yesterday?

  13. Brown doesn't need the shore to win. He only needs Montgomery, princess George and Baltimore to win.

  14. Where does Mitchell get the money for that stuff -- who are her donors?

    Her touchy-feely spouse was canned at SU wasn't he?

  15. Anonymous said...
    Did Pollitt and Ireton once again waste taxpayers money on tents etc. in Crisfield yesterday?

    July 17, 2014 at 7:36 PM


  16. Anonymous said...
    Where does Mitchell get the money for that stuff -- who are her donors?

    Her touchy-feely spouse was canned at SU wasn't he?

    July 17, 2014 at 7:40 PM

    She gets funding from slum lords involved with SAPOA.

    Yes Miguel the Molester was terminated from SU and another college for violating someone private parts.

  17. I heard Jim Mathias was there with his mistress Josh Hastings!

  18. Spending the money for this event is a waste. The worst thing is having to deal with the pests (politicians) at this event. You spend the $35.00 to attend you want to enjoy the seafood, not be bothered and harassed by politicians. Most people know who they are going to vote for, bugging people while at this event is annoying and that is why I choose to never attend this event.

  19. I agree USMCRetired. I'd even be happy to pay $100 or even more if the politicians weren't allowed in.
    I'm afraid to go to any of the local benefits like the FD dinners and carnivals from now until the election for fear of running into them. It's our habit if we feel like going out to eat to hit up the FD's first if something is going on.
    Last year was a pleasure because very few were lurking.

  20. I stopped going years ago when the fool started going down hill and the weather just got hotter and hotter. This red neck event is sooooo over.

  21. And you have to be worried about being robbed since section 8 is right across the street.


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