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Thursday, July 17, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Malaysia Airlines jet reportedly crashes in Ukraine

Malaysia Airlines confirms an incident following reports that a passenger plane has crashed in Ukraine near the Russian border, according to Sky News.

From Fox News


  1. war is coming.....

  2. CBS880 - Ruskie separatists have taken credit -

  3. 295 on board poss shot down by a Russian missile due to obamas new restrictions on Russia

  4. Drop some bombs on GAZA

  5. This country is always at war with somebody, whether we are aware about it or not. We now are the dog with the tail between it's legs, much like the Soviets were when they retreated from years occupying Afghanistan in the '80's. Our economy and decades of failed foreign policies, meddling in regime changes and nation building around the world has cost our country the trust from most of our allies. At 57 years old, this has got to the worst condition of our nation that I have seen in my lifetime.

  6. 12:35 But you are so cheerful... there is always a tomorrow...there is always a flip side. The end is NOT neigh it is just the same ole same ole. I have 60 years and every crisis was followed with the end of the world talk. It is nasty and will get worse...but it is NOT the end of the world.

  7. Is 1:13 our new prophet? Wonder how he can be so sure of his predictions... consulting with the dinosaurs?... oh wait..seems the end came for them...

  8. McCain is already beating the war drums, again. Trigger happy little man.

  9. Thanks 1:48 and 1:13, that's what the Romans thought. I never said it was the end of the world, only that it is the worst in my lifetime, heck we were doing better when we could only get gasoline on even and odd days and Carter was president! Rainbows and unicorns, not!

  10. If Manuel Noriega was our puppet in Panama AND a CIA operative, can you just imagine what we aren't told?


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