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Sunday, July 27, 2014



I have informed the Boards of Delaware Technical Community College and Wor-Wic Community College that after much personal deliberation, I have decided to decline the offer to become the next president of Delaware Tech.

The Delaware public meetings law led to a process where the Board had to make a public selection and announcement before candid conversations, expectations, and agreements could be developed with the selected candidate. Unfortunately, we were unable to reach consensus on the terms of employment. I regret the disruption that this has caused both institutions.

I have nothing but respect Delaware Tech, its Board and employees, many of whom I had the pleasure of meeting during the search process. It is an impressive institution with talented employees who work effectively to serve the education and training needs of all Delawareans. In fact, the greatest compliment I can give them is that they remind me, a great deal, of us.

I am sure this raises questions with you regarding my status at Wor-Wic. I have spoken individually with each Wor-Wic Board member and they have all welcomed me in my continuing role at the college. One of the reasons that the Wor-Wic Board did not meet last Thursday in the Special Session was because I had not yet submitted a letter of resignation. Without that to act upon, there was no reason for them to meet. The meeting this Friday is canceled as well, since the only purpose was to develop a transition plan.

I reached this decision with the total support of my family. Through this process and the introspection that takes place when one contemplates such an important change, I have come to realize that I belong here. As I emphasized when I wrote to you about my decision to participate in this search, I continue to be committed to the success of Wor-Wic.

This has already been enough of a distraction. I’d like to put this behind us, and with your help and support, focus on moving Wor-Wic forward. I promise that you, our students and the college, have my complete attention and dedication.


Dr. Ray Hoy
Wor-Wic Community College
32000 Campus Drive
Salisbury, MD 21804

Originally posted at 5:30 PM


  1. Sounds like someone has "resume issues".

  2. Sometimes I lose respect for people.

  3. Things worked out for the best all the way around.God is good.

  4. Sounds like to me that the Del Tech Board reconsidered the pertinent salary that was previously paid to the out going President.

    So Hoy probably decided it wasn't worth the transition.

  5. I had a feeling about a new President's salary. Especially when the BD probably came under fire from the public when the retiring CEO's salary was rubbed into the eyes of all the DE citizens.

    Maybe it is high time to review Janet Dudley Eshbaugh, and UMES's President. And while we are at it - John Frederickson also.

  6. Mr. Hoy has been a stalwart leader of a fine community college. Perhaps during negotiation, he wouldn't be permitted to institute needed reforms to Delstate.
    Speculation, but I wonder how long his commitment to WWTCC will last...

  7. It's all about the MONEY! When it came time for the Board to ante up - they rescinded.

  8. Very happy he is staying. What a great leader who would have been a tremendous loss to this community.

  9. Money. Nobody needs a pay cut these days. Heck, just having a job is a blessing.

  10. Glad to see him stay.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I had a feeling about a new President's salary. Especially when the BD probably came under fire from the public when the retiring CEO's salary was rubbed into the eyes of all the DE citizens.

    Maybe it is high time to review Janet Dudley Eshbaugh, and UMES's President. And while we are at it - John Frederickson also.

    July 24, 2014 at 8:47 PM

    I hear board members just gave John Fredericksen a pay raise from a reliable source and I checked my facts and it was the truth. John Fredericksen is making $180,000 per year.

    That's right folks you read it hear first. $180,000 per year!! That's over 5 salaries of some school board employees.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Very happy he is staying. What a great leader who would have been a tremendous loss to this community.

    July 24, 2014 at 9:06 PM

    You might be happy but this proves that he really doesn't like you people. It's all about the money and yes read that letter, it sounds like a real cluster.

  13. He just showed his True Colors by trying to leave Wicomico County.

  14. the man is a complete dirtball...ask anyone about morale at wcccc...it's awful...all so that Hoy can brag about the efficiency at wccc....total joke.

  15. how can you tell ray hoy is lying??? his lips are moving.

  16. Happy he's staying?

    Enrollment is down significantly. Employees got their first raise in years 1% which didn't cover the cost of the insurance increases. The new computer system is a mess and no hope in sight. Oh and, the big middle states accreditation is coming in sight.

    It doesn't surprise me that he was looking for a new job. The college isn't doing well and employee morale is tanked. A lot of long-time employees have also jumped ship. It's just too bad that the employees can't tell the honest truth without of reprisal.

    Of course, given his current salary, severance package and contract who would want to give up such a golden parachute? Particularly if Del Tech didn't guarantee his appointment with a long-term deal(regardless of performance).

    We'll never know the truth, but I wonder who really backed out of the deal...

  17. Funny things going on over there. Look at the types of employees let go and leaving on their own; then look at the types of qualifications on the people replacing them. Seems mighty unusual in many cases.

  18. Hoy has been using wwcc as his personal resume builder, trying to make himself attractive to the business world/fortune 500-types by keeping expenses low and passing himself as a can-do leader: he is no leader, and wwcc can boast of the lowest paid faculty with the highest turnover...they hire poor instructors, fill classes to the brim, then fire poor preforming instructors (keeps administrators busy)...it's all about the bottom line for mr hoy, to make him look attractive for his next corporate step, except in this case, it looks like he stepped in his own mess :(

  19. BOTTOM LINE: Hey Joe, interview current wwcc employees and let them speak without fear of retribution...then you will have the real story..

  20. Hoy and Capelli run wwcc like a banana republic...someone needs to shed light on the darkness they have instilled...everyone who works there is miserable...

  21. wake up people...

  22. Dr. Hoy, you aren't fooling anyone...all you care about is your own income...everything else is just your fake posturing....


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