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Sunday, July 13, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Germany wins World Cup

Germany defeats Argentina 1-0 in extra time to win the World Cup.


  1. Socialistic, pansy game that is eye candy for the homos.

    1. Yeah....bring out the men in tights. Its football time.

  2. slowly at first, faster in the middle, and then hitting a crescendo with the 1970-1990 version of the theme of Monday Night Football erupts--------are you ready????????

  3. Thank God it is over. It is soooooooo exciting. Not one score in over an hour. They are awesome atheletes but what a boring game

  4. Stoopid hillbillies.

  5. OMG. What is wrong with you people? It is not a homo game. Anything is open season for uneducated people hating bigots.

  6. Thats the eastern shore way.....now its just entertaining to read the dumb crap the born heres write.....the same people that think muskrat is a gourmet meal. These people think they have it all figured out....morons....

  7. "Now we return to our regular programming...."

  8. Until more countries in the world can afford to outfit their youth with bats, gloves, shoulder pads, helmets, etc., "futbol" will remain the World's Most Popular Sport.
    All you need is a ball and you got yourself a game. Actually, you don't even need THAT to play soccer. You could kick a goat's head around and have a game.
    If you don't agree with me that soccer is absolutely the World's Most Boring Sport, then explain to me why - after almost two hours of running around - the ONLY thing on the highlight reel on the sports shows is one play that took about 3 seconds.
    I'd rather listen to golf on the radio.

  9. Sit and watch the video games on large display TVs.

  10. Bets settled on the official classification.


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