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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bill’s secret mistress, the ‘Energizer’

Bill Clinton reportedly has a buxom blond mistress who visits so often when Hillary Clinton isn’t home in Chappaqua that the former president’s Secret Service detail have given her an unofficial code name: Energizer.

This is according to Ronald Kessler in “The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents,” due Aug. 5 from Crown Forum.

Kessler is no stranger to the controversies surrounding the Secret Service.

He broke the story that Secret Service agents protecting President Obama in Cartagena, Colombia, hired prostitutes, and put the president in jeopardy.



  1. Quite a shock that Bill would do such a thing.

  2. Bill Clinton is an awesome whore hound he would really impressed John Kennedy


  3. I'm sure there is a logical explanation. She probably works under him in the Clinton Foundation.

  4. Hillary is a lesbian..come on dont you see it..a marraige of convience

  5. I personally do not see what any woman would see in him. He's nothing to look at, as well as being what you can classify as White Trash. His mother was a run around and he doesn't even know who his father is. Not a class I would ever associate with much less sleep with. Plus I'm such a gagger. I would think about Lewinsky and the cigar and gag and end up vomiting on him.

  6. Thats no way to talk about the next first lad...I mean first gentleman.


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