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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Ben Carson on Illegals: 'Remove the Goodies,' Charge Employers Who Hire Illegals

Dr. Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon and the author of six best-selling books, said the way to curtail illegal immigration is to reduce the incentive to come to the United States by removing “all the goodies,” and particularly by charging employers who hire illegal aliens, for a second time, with a “criminal offense.”

Currently, employers who hire illegal immigrants can face a variety of fines, ranging from $200 to $2,000 per illegal worker on a first offense, and $2000-$5000 on a second offense. For a third offense or more, the fines can range from $3,000 to $10,000 per employee.

In remarks at the Western Conservative Summit on July 19, Dr. Carson touched on illegal immigration, saying, “You have to reduce the incentive for people to want to come here. That’s how you fix the problem. I guarantee you that if you remove all the goodies, people will find a way to get out of here just like they found a way to get in here.”



  1. Bet we find out illegals do his lawn work.

  2. Jim Purdue will look good in stripes!

  3. President Carson?

  4. "Bet we find out illegals do his lawn work." Don't be such a racist hater, 4:34.

  5. Bet we don't 4:34. This man is just as pristine as he is brilliant and hypocritical is something he is not.
    He's disciplined and principled which is something all democrats lack. That is why they can't stand him. There isn't a democrat dead or alive who possesses even a fraction of Dr Carson's decency.

  6. His common sense is refreshing, especially after listening to all the politicians (both parties) who want to make a simple problem appear too complicated to be solved.

  7. I've been saying the same thing that Carson said here...

  8. Common sense. Something DC needs.

  9. This Dem would vote for him in a heartbeat!

  10. Dr. Carson is a brilliant man and needs to be in the white house.

  11. Agreed, let's restore common sense!

  12. America needs Ben Carson and Rand Paul, what a dream ticket.
    The Rep.Party will not likely appoint them, Romney again with some other softy.
    Pray for our America, pray hard.

  13. Who is Jim Purdue?
    I know of Jim Perdue and you are misinformed.

  14. 9:56 so there is no one employed in his chicken plants that is an illegal? I don't believe it!

  15. Smartest man in the US right now. He should be President of the US. He would straighten this country out.

  16. Actually, my best friend's mother used to clean for him, and she's as white and blonde as it gets. Said his wife was a wonderful person as well who used to play with her and feed her while her mother worked. So I'm going to assume he doesn't employ illegal immigrants. Rather have Dr. Carson and his wife than Barack and Moochelle.

  17. COMMON SENSE PREVAILS!!! Love Dr. Carson.

  18. can we exchange Obama for Carson?

  19. My brother-in-law hires nothing but illegals and is fat and happy all the way to the bank. Why should he care?

  20. Fine and charge the CORPORATIONS that hire illegals? Like today's Republican Party would stand for that for a minute. You're DREAMING if you think the R's would ever allow all those precious corporations to actually be subject to laws...


  21. Anonymous said...
    This Dem would vote for him in a heartbeat!

    July 24, 2014 at 7:05 PM

    Why are you still a Dem?? WTF!!

  22. Anonymous said...
    My brother-in-law hires nothing but illegals and is fat and happy all the way to the bank. Why should he care?

    July 25, 2014 at 6:42 PM

    For what? What does he do?


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