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Friday, July 11, 2014

Bellyaching Over Hobby Lobby Ruling Totally Ridiculous

When the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the Obama administration could not force the owners of Hobby Lobby to pay for birth control methods they believed caused abortions, the left reacted with its usual over-the-top melodramatic hysteria.

We heard that the case was “really about a fear of women’s sexuality,” Holly Lobby was compared to the Taliban, and there was bellowing that women have no access to birth control.

All this hand-wringing and bed-wetting over four “contraceptives” that Hobby Lobby did not agree with. Hobby Lobby still covers 16 methods of birth control with no copay from the Hobby Lobby employee.



  1. Small minds ..make for small copy. But it fills the printed page and feeds the tinfoil hat crowd.

  2. Oh what the hell does the government have to do with a business and birth control.WTF!
    Simple , none of their business.

  3. 10:26am,
    It is every tax paying citizen business whether they use birth control methods or not. I don't want my money to be use to pay for your birth control. And, I am a women.

  4. "Small minds ..make for small copy."

    Arrogant putz. Have you a point to make or are you just feeling smug today?


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