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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Being President is Tough; Being Incompetent Doesn’t Help

Being President has tons of perks. Like being able to play golf any time you want to. Like going on vacation and not having to pay for it, any time you want. If you’re a Democrat, you get absolute cover from the press. There’s more, but you get the idea. There’s also a fundamental problem being President when you’re just not very bright and you’re incompetent. There comes a time when even the press can’t cover for you anymore.

President Obama got a pass running up to the 2012 elections. He wasn’t held accountable for Fast & Furious and the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. He got a pass on the terrorist attack in Benghazi that cost the lives of a US ambassador and three other US citizens. He got a pass on the worst recovery in history and the fact that there are fewer Americans working today than when he took office. He got a pass on the fact that his foreign policy is a raging disaster and the world is a significantly more dangerous place than when he took office.

It looks like the days of “Get out of jail FREE” cards may be just about over for President Obama though.

Anderson Robbins and Shaw & Company did a poll for Fox News the results don’t reflect well on the President. The first thing to know about the poll is that it is Registered Voters not Likely Voters, and typically RV lean much farther to the left than LV. Here’s the overall polling results.



  1. And what really bites is that a lot of it will continue after he leaves office.

  2. Joke for you:
    What's worse than 16 years of Bush & Obama.
    16 years of Gore & Obama.

    What's worse than 16 years of Bush & Obama.
    24 years of Bush,Obama and Helliary.

  3. You forgot to add that our kenyan king is also a verified liar and a confirmed coward!

  4. A little too late for any of this crap , ain't gonna happen anyway so don't bring it up again. Talk is cheap , chicken $hit congress won't do a damn thing.

  5. But he is so qualified, he was a community organizer!


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