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Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Barney Fife Meets Delta Force

Hypermilitarized police departments are more dangerous than whatever they fight.

Nestled awkwardly among the usual guff, the outrage website Salon this week took a welcome flyer and accorded space to something genuinely alarming. “A SWAT team,” the headline screamed, “blew a hole in my 2-year-old son.” For once, this wasn’t hyperbole.

The piece’s author, Alecia Phonesavanh, described what it felt like to be on the business end of an attack that was launched in error by police who believed a drug dealer to be living and operating in her house. They “threw a flashbang grenade inside,” she reported. It “landed in my son’s crib.” Now, her son is “covered in burns” and has “a hole in his chest that exposes his ribs.” So badly injured was he by the raid that he was “placed into a medically induced coma.” “They searched for drugs,” Phonesavanh confirmed, but they “never found any.” Nor, for that matter, did they find the person they were looking for. He doesn’t live there. “All of this,” she asks, “to find a small amount of drugs?”



  1. Hiding behind the newly created homeland security laws meant to protect us after 09/11/2001. The police are OUT OF CONTROL. God bless this child and family for all the tough things that lie ahead. I pray for a speedy recovery for all. Anyone have stats on police caused injuries or deaths to innocent civilians? I would like to compare to other deaths or injuries caused by criminals... could be an interesting comparison.

  2. Get used to these kind of stories. The new normal and no one will be charged. Sorry mam just doing our job.

  3. This has nothing to do with homeland security! It has everything to do with YOU WILL BOW TO YOUR KING. We are invaded by a police state that believes every person is a subject less than the police and every person will obey what they say or bet beaten by them or better yet shot and then charged with false charges to cover their tracks.


  4. 2:30...In what world would the comparison between criminal activity and POLICE activity be logical or even reasonable? Or are you relating them as just one big group of thugs? Because I'm pretty sure that getting killed by either one still leaves you dead.
    The difference is that one of those groups (the Gestapo) has a huge responsibility to be EXACTLY correct when they take a citizens life (ALWAYS without trial or conviction!). Wrong addresses, mistaken identity, FEAR, etc., are NOT good excuses to blast away (or throw GRENADES into a house!!) at citizens.
    Can I get an "amen"?

  5. I would like to compare to other deaths or injuries caused by criminals... could be an interesting comparison.

    July 1, 2014 at 2:30 PM

    You are 7-8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist.

    Civilians are killed by police 10 times the rate than cops being killed by civilians.

    More civilians have been killed by police than soldiers have been killed in ten years of war in the middle east.

    That enough stats for ya?

  6. 3:40....SMACK THAT ACE!!!!!


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