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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Barack Obama Admits He Lied to Get Elected

Barrack Obama never ceases to amaze the people and his recent trip to Texas proves it once again. Obama stood in front of the crowd to tell them that he can now be honest because he is no longer able to run for office. This admission can only mean one thing and that is the president lied during his campaign to run for the presidency.

That is no secret to those who opposed Obama, but his supporters never seemed to understand just how untruthful that man was in spite of the many lies he was caught in. The president visited Texas recently; however, he refused to visit the borders or discuss the illegal immigration problem that is occurring in that state right now.

President Obama further stated in his loose lips speech that he was not a partisan man. He swears that his favorite president was the first republican president, Lincoln. It is difficult to believe that statement from a man who vowed to get revenge on the people who did not agree with him in his first four years of the presidency.



  1. Both parties have gone full circle, there was a time when southern democrats supported slavery and continued to support efforts to end busing including any type of integration. George Wallace ran for president as a democrat and he was a known racist. Both parties have wandered far from their roots, it's hard to believe either party has the peoples well being in their mantra.

  2. I agree 12:56. Time to show all the democrats on all levels the door, because at this point in time the worst Republican is far far better than ANY democrat. Then the work needs to begin on tossing out the RINO's.

  3. If Obamas mouth is open he is lying

  4. Oh that's right, every Republican president was a saint and honest at all times. In order to be a politician you must be a liar. How else do you convince people to vote time and a time again on promises that will never be kept. No matter how small the election, all politicians lie. That is why they are rich and you are not.

  5. 3:00-It's not about "promises that will never be kept" with Obama. Lying is pathological with him. It is one of his many many character flaws.
    He claimed everyone could keep their insurance that wanted to. This claim was made after obamacare was written and he continued to say this well after it had passed into law all the while knowing this wasn't true.
    He lied about the Benghazi murders, claiming it was caused by a video, because he didn't want to admit it was terrorism.
    He said Fast and Furious was born under the Bush admin. Nothing could be further from the truth.
    He said he ended the war in Iraq. Lie. It ended because of a unilateral agreement signed by Bush to have the troops withdrawal when they did.
    I could go on and on.
    He is just a very foul putrid aorry excuse for a human being and quite frankly the whole world (including his own daughters because he is a piss poor excuse for a father) would be better off it he were to drop dead of a heart attack or something.
    There is nothing good about him.

  6. Don't be so silly 3:00. If I were a member of Congress I would be somewhere very near the top of the highest net worth list. I guess that means I'm rich. We didn't get that way because of lying. Our honesty is what made our company successful. If something we sold didn't perform well, we were honest about it and never sold it again.
    People don't get wealthy by lying. Quite the opposite. Mitt Romney wouldn't have nearly the wealth he does if he lied. He offered a good service and it was successful because he didn't deceive.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 16, 2014 at 6:27 PM

    When this Crook promised THE CHANGE, everybody was thinking for BETTER, instead he delivered CHANGE FOR.WORSE and still doing it today. No matter how long and how many lies this administrarion makes, the FACT IS TRUTH WILL COME OUT AND AND ITS UP TO US, THE PEOPLE, HOW WE WILL DECIDE TO DEAL WITH IT.

  8. We need to break these groups up for good and need to take away their pay checks and land ownership deeds for greater good of human race.


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