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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Arizona Protesters Hope To Stop Immigrant Transfer

ORACLE, Ariz. (AP) -- Protesters carrying "Return to Sender" and "Go home non-Yankees" signs faced off with immigrant rights activists Tuesday in a small Arizona town after a sheriff said a bus filled with Central American children was on its way.

The rallies demonstrated the deep divide of the immigration debate as groups on both sides -- and in similar numbers -- showed up in Oracle to speak out on the issue.

It turned heated at times, with shouting matches and a group of mariachi musicians getting shoved before the skirmishes were quelled.



  1. send all of the illegals back to mexico . we need mexicos laws of immigration for illegals. they are leeching ,diseased, scum.

  2. Native Americans said after illegals return to sender.. When is the White Man going back Europe???

  3. San Jose.. San Antonio.. New Mexico...Los Angeles..Really??? should I go on AMERICA.. Might as well post a "Hispanics welcomed" sign!! Stop drinking the JIm Jones Juice


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