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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Arab American Group Urges Boycott Of White House Iftar Dinner

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) urged all Arab and Muslims in the United States to boycott the Obama administration's celebration of the holy month of Ramadan on Monday, arguing the president has condoned the killing of Palestinians in Gaza and the spying on some Americans based on their Muslim identities.

Like George W. Bush before him, Obama has hosted an Iftar dinner -- the meal after sunset that breaks the day of fasting -- each year he's been in office. Other federal agencies, including the State Department, also hold iftar dinners to commemorate the holiday.

The ADC, the nation's largest Arab American group, issued a statement citing both the administration's support for Israel's bombing campaign in response to airstrikes by the militant group Hamas as reasons not to participate in the administration's celebrations.



  1. So the Federal Government can "celebrate" a muslim activity, but we are not allowed to pray in schools or in government buildings.

    Separation of church and state doesn't apply to muslims?

  2. Hope they serve pork.... all pork!

  3. The dinner should be boycotted by so-called "infidels" which means everybody else that isn't Muslim. O can dine with his favorite person, himself.

  4. I had a comment but erased it because it was a little close to the truth.

  5. Tell someone who really cares.


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